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Top New HVAC Technology To Look For When Replacing Your AC

8 New Advancements Available For HVAC Replacement In Houston

Advanced Coolants

You may already know this if you read our previous blogs— but HVAC systems that use R22 coolant are going to be increasingly expensive to maintain.  This is because R22 has been removed from the market by the EPA and is phasing out. Newer HVAC units use advanced coolants that are friendlier to the environment such as R410a—the most commonly used coolant in newer systems.

Advancements In Energy Efficiency

SEER ratings have long been the go-to measurement to determine how efficient an HVAC unit is. Just ten years ago the average SEER rating of HVAC systems in Houston were about a 9 or 10. Because technology is constantly evolving that number actually would be considered very poor given today’s average of 13 (the least efficient) to 25 and over (highest efficiency.) This is good news for budget-conscious homeowners because even an entry-level system with a lower SEER rating like 15, is likely leaps and bounds above your decade old or more system. This means less energy needed to keep your home comfortable which means more money in the bank instead of more money in the electric company’s deep pockets.

Fans Have Advanced Greatly

Older HVAC units had very basic fans that ran at full blast and full blast only. This resulted in greater wear and tear on the unit, highly inefficient use of electricity and trouble keeping a steady temperature in the home. New HVAC units however have very advanced fans that can run at variable speeds that can adjust to the external temperature and cooling needs of the home. Not only does this improve efficiency, but it also cuts down on ambient noise in the home.

Compressors Improvement

The compressor is the core of your HVAC system—it is at the center of what makes cooling possible and can make or break a system. Your decades old HVAC system likely has what is referred to as a “single-stage” compressor. And similar to the old fans they were paired with, they too also only run at full speed aka, “on or off.” Naturally, those compressors switching on and off make a ton of noise and also don’t control humidity in the home very well which is a central concept of air conditioning in the first place. Since they go full blast and nothing else, they also suck up a lot of electricity—but there is now something much better.

New HVAC units can have advanced features that include dual-stage compressors. These compressors can run at a lower functionality when full blast is not needed, and shift to full capacity as needed. This cuts down on electricity usage, noise and system wear and tear.

Want to know more about variable speed fans and compressor advancements? Check out our article on new fan and compressor technology in HVAC units.

Ducts Have Come A Long Way

If your system is over 10 years old, it’s very likely that your ducts are made of sheet metal. While sheet metal is very durable and meant to last, it’s not exactly designed for efficiency or silent operation. Sheet metal ducts are not insulated which leads to heating and cooling loss due to that trait.

Now, necessity—the mother of invention has spurred advancement in duct technology and most ducts are fiberglass-lined or fiberboard ducts. These types of ducts are much quieter and are insulated to be more energy efficient. There is even flexible ductwork that can make installation easier and more efficient as well in tight places.

New HVAC Units: Feel Great, Sound Silent

For many with old HVAC systems in Houston, getting woken up by the AC kicking on in the middle of the night is a normalcy many have learned to live with. Did you know that you might not even realize it, but your HVAC system could be producing sounds at levels of 80 decibels or greater?

Due to many of the features we’ve already mentioned and as well as the addition to acoustic dampening material on units—some of the quietest HVAC systems in Houston produce just 40 decibels of sound. That is about the loudness of a personal deck fan!

Smart And Connected Controls

With the evolution of the connected household, modern HVAC systems have jumped on the trend and now can feature smart, learning thermostats as well as thermostats that can be controlled from anywhere there is WiFi available.

Smart thermostats such as the Trane ComfortLink II XL1050 make that possible with a simple app you install on your smartphone. Want to have the house cool by the time you get home from work? No problem you can program it right from your phone or simply turn it on as you begin your commute home.

Better Options For Older Homes

In older buildings, it can often be impossible or too expensive to install ductwork. Many older homes were not built with central HVAC in mind as it hasn’t always been as practical as modern times. Many homes built in the 40’s and 50’s have to resort to window units or portable air conditioners—both which are not ideal for efficiency and are costly to run.

Multi-Split systems, especially the new modern ones are a huge leap from using inefficient old window units and portables. A ductless mini split system has a traditional outdoor unit that houses the compressor and condenser just like a regular HVAC system. The difference is that each room has its own air handler installed that distributes the air to the room it serves. This gives the efficiency of central air and the flexibility of window units when ducts are possible.


HVAC Replacement In Houston Is A Breeze With AirTeam

Listen, we know this is a lot of information to take in and process—not to mention buying an HVAC system is a major investment. You want to make sure you are getting the most value for your money and that it’s going to get the job done as efficiently as possible. That is why you need the experts in Houston air conditioning at AirTeam.

From our comfort consultants to our technicians—all of our staff is well-educated in the industry, the technology available, and what is best for your home’s needs. Contact us today for your free consultation and get your comfort level up and your utility bills down.

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    Whether you need a brand new HVAC system or just need to replace or repair an aging unit that isn’t very efficient or reliable, AIRTEAM has all the bases covered. We can get you a new unit at a great price and guarantee a perfect installation, or we can repair your current system provided it is repairable. Contact us today stay cool for the summer.

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