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Tips For Keeping You And Your House Cooler This Summer

It’s nearly summer in Houston—that’s right, it’s that time of the year known in Texas as ‘fire and brimstone.” Seriously, in Texas the weather gets so hot that it can cause health problems such as heat stroke, dehydration and serious sunburns. At Airteam we care about customer’s health, not just their air conditioning systems. We know just how punishing the direct sunlight of Texas’ summers can be especially when outdoors. We also know it can really take a toll on your home HVAC as well.

When it comes to dealing with the summer heat in Texas you have to take care of your personal health and the climate in your home equally. If your home is cool but you spend all day in the yard without sunblock or sufficient water, the climate of your home is not going to matter because the damage has been done. The same goes for living in a home with an HVAC that is insufficient or not working at all. The heat inside can make you very sick and dehydrated even though you are not in the summer sun.

The best way to stay healthy and cool this summer is a two-fold proactive approach that involves some basic tips for keeping yourself cool as well as your home.

This Summer Is Going To Be Pretty Brutal

Texas summers are killer on personal health, HVAC systems and on your electric bill. This summer will be no different as we predict a much hotter summer than usual. Being this is Houston and summer means thunderstorms, we also are predicting greater than average rainfall. Trust us, we are experts on this— or maybe we just went on the Farmers Almanac website and looked it up. Either way, you should be prepared for a harsh summer with high humidity which makes the heat index even higher. There are plenty of ways to keep cool this summer.

3 Ways To Protect Yourself In The Summer Heat

When outdoors at a picnic or working in the yard, you have to make sure to protect yourself from the harmful effects of overexposure to heat and sun. The signs may not always be evident right away. Most symptoms such as dizziness, muscle cramps, and extreme thirst usually don’t reveal themselves until it’s already too late. Instead, follow these four basic tips to prevent overexposure before it’s too late

  1. H20 Is The Key

Even if you are not doing any rigorous activity outdoors or just sitting at an outdoor concert, your body is dehydrating through sweat. In order to prevent dangerous levels of dehydration you need to replenish your water levels. Water is the best but also electrolyte drinks such as Gatorade or any energy drink will work as well. Avoid alcohol or caffeine as those both expel water from the body.

  1. Stay In The Shade

This one is pretty simple; the only way to avoid the scorching sun is to stay out of it. If you can find a tree or other covering to stay under, this is ideal. If walking, try staying on the side of the street that is shaded or has awnings from buildings you can walk under. You can also bring your own shade in the form of an umbrella or hat.

  1. Use Sunscreen With At Least 20SPF

Even though it may be rarely overcast on a hot summer day, you are still being exposed to UV rays. Make sure to use sunscreen with at least a 20SPF rating, waterproof is best. The most important thing is to reapply ever four hours or so to prevent it wearing off. If you are really prone to sunburns or have fare skin, sunblock (35SPF or better) is going to be optimal for you.

  1. Wear Light Colors and Loose Clothing

Clothing can contribute to body heat a lot more than you think. Wearing clothing that is light in color helps reflect the sun’s whereas black absorbs the sun. Also looser fitting clothing allows air to circulate and the skin to breathe which aids in cooling.

3 Ways To Maximize Your HVAC Cooling This Summer

Ever notice your electric bill gets higher and higher every summer? Do you know quite often it’s little things we may overlook. For example, do you find your home consistently hot between June and August no matter how low you put the thermostat? It may be a bad thermostat or a bad air conditioning installation that’s the culprit. The key is knowing what the problem is before it causes you to spend exorbitantly on cooling your home. Ideally you should be proactive about HVAC maintenance and noticing any changes in performance. If you want to save money on your air conditioning this summer, you don’t have to suffer in a hot house. Just follow these basic money saving tips to get the most value out of your HVAC system this summer.

  1. Is Your Thermostat On The Right Wall?

No, this isn’t some quirky Feng Shui design concept; it is a matter of basic science. The wall on which a thermostat is placed can play a significant role in how accurate it functions. If you install a thermostat in a room that gets a lot of direct sunlight or has a lot of windows, it’s going to give a false reading and run your HVAC inaccurately. Instead, install or move your thermostat to an interior wall such as the hallway or in a room that is used often. If you place on an exterior wall, they are usually hotter and it will cause uneven readings, cycling your HVAC on too much. This not only costs more in electricity but will significantly shorten the life of your unit. If your thermostat needs to be moved, Airteam can send out a technician who can fix that problem in one quick visit.

  1. Close Blinds And Curtains

When the sun is beating down on your windows, they can be like huge magnifying glass and transfer the heat indoors easily. You can mitigate some of that heat transfer but using thick blackout curtains or blinds and close them when the sun is at its peak between 2pm and 6pm. When you close your curtains or blinds you actually serve dual purposes. While it insulates from the outdoor heat coming in, it also keeps the cold air from your HVAC inside. Once the sun subsides you can open your blinds or curtains again and you’ve saved quite a bit of money on cooling.

  1. Become an Airteam MVP

It’s not uncommon for you to expect perfection from your air conditioner year after year without any trouble. However, even the most advanced units suffer from wear and tear over the lifespan of the unit. The key to getting the most years from your HVAC unit is to ensure you perform regular preventative maintenance on the system. Our Member Value Plus Preventative Maintenance plan is a recurring service agreement plan that can extend the life of your unit. Our trained professionals will inspect, clean, adjust, and lubricate your HVAC equipment to keep it running at peak efficiency. This service not only keeps things running smooth, but because it is looked at regularly, we can see trouble issues before the blow up into costly repairs.

If You Need A New HVAC, Call the Champions!

If you already follow all of the personal protection tips in this summer season, then you are good! But let’s say your HVAC system is beyond repair. Maybe in your case you just have a really old unit that has seen better days. The compressor keeps failing, replacing the capacitor only works so long and the coolant is leaking more than a government agency. You could actually save more money long term, by investing in a newer, more efficient unit. The repairs you could make on your old unit may get it running again, but it is a short term solution to a long term problem. In the end, investing in a new unit might be more expensive upfront, but it will balance out over the long haul. Airteam has units available for all budget levels and plenty of incentives and promotions to help with the cost.

Whether you need preventative maintenance, a repair or need an honest and reasonable quote on a new HVAC system. Airteam is the Champions of Houston AC repair. Give us a call today to get your home ready for summer.

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    Whether you need a brand new HVAC system or just need to replace or repair an aging unit that isn’t very efficient or reliable, AIRTEAM has all the bases covered. We can get you a new unit at a great price and guarantee a perfect installation, or we can repair your current system provided it is repairable. Contact us today stay cool for the summer.

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