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Flexible Financing

Our Plans For Your Comfort

At AIRTEAM, we offer additional options as well for those with a lower credit score. Don’t hesitate to call and ask to speak with one of our financial advisors.
25 months of no interest with equal payments.
9.99% APR
6 months of no interest and no payments then 60 months at 9.99% APR. If the balance is paid off in the first six months, no interest is charged.
120 months at 6.99% interest. This loan, like any loan from Service Finance, can be paid off early without penalty. Interest is only charged on the loan’s open balance.
Your Champions Of Comfort
Whether you need a brand new HVAC system or just need to replace or repair an aging unit that isn’t very efficient or reliable, AIRTEAM has all the bases covered. We can get you a new unit at a great price and guarantee a perfect installation, or we can repair your current system provided it is repairable. Contact us today stay cool for the summer.

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